Symantec Endpoint Protection Firewall Driver Is Not Loaded

Symantec endpoint protection antivirus

Symantec Endpoint Protection Firewall Driver Is Not Loaded Longboards


Symantec Endpoint Protection is one point solution for providing security from Malware, Viruses, Network Intrusions and most important for IT hardware (Including Computers and Server), it prevents ransomware attacks. Firewall is sturdy and really easy to manage, Central console for managing systems and updates and most important it is not taxing on Computer resources. Support / After the Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 installation, the firewall driver is not loaded. Cannot uninstall NTP (Network Threat Protection) Cannot uninstall NTP (Network Threat Protection).

I'm having some difficulties exposing a standard windows file share on a Windows Embedded Standard 2009 device that is running Symantec Endpoint Protection Agent 5.1. I'm using simply file sharing to expose a particular directory. That share is visible locally on the machine and externally visible when I disable the endpoint protection agent. I've added a rule (and moved it to the to ensure priority) allowing all hosts access on TDP ports 137,138,138,445 and another rule allowing UDP access on ports 137,138,139.